<Registration deadline was extended to Tuesday, August 6th 12:00 noon.>

Would you like to try Bon-dance and a traditional Matcha green tea ceremony while dressed in Yukata (summer Kimono)!?
"AKASATANA", a volunteer-run Japanese class, will hold a Japanese culture party on Aug. 6th in which you can try Bon-dance, and a traditional Japanese Matcha (green tea) ceremony while wearing Yukata. Of course, volunteer staff will prepare Yukatas and everything else for you and are happy to help you to wear them. It is a good chance for you to experience and learn famous traditional Japanese culture.
Registration from here( https://akasatanaaloe.peatix.com/ ) is required. Registration deadline is Tuesday, August 6th 12:00 pm.
Place: Aichi International Plaza, Sannomaru, Naka-ku, Nagoya, Aichi
=>The place where usually "A-Ka-Sa-Ta-Na" Japanese lessons held on Thursday.
Date: Tuesday, Aug. 6th 13:00-15:00
Fee: 200 yen
Capacity: 20
Organizer: ALOE Japanese language class "A-Ka-Sa-Ta-Na"
Coorganizer: Aichi International Association
The event is only for foreign residents. Japanese who come with foreign residents can enter. Sorry, you can bring your kids but we do not have Kimonos for kids under 140cm tall.
Registration from here( https://akasatanaaloe.peatix.com/ ) is required. Registration deadline is Tuesday, August 6th 12:00 pm.
【在留外国人の方対象(ざいりゅうがいこくじんの かた たいしょう)】
浴衣(ゆかた)を着て(きて)、盆踊り(ぼんおどり)を踊ったり(おどったり)お抹茶(おまっちゃ)をたてたりします。 ※浴衣(ゆかた)は「あかさたな」が準備(じゅんび)し、ボランティアが着替え(きがえ)を手伝い(てつだい)ます。
必ず(かならず)ここ https://akasatanaaloe.peatix.com/ から申し込み(もうしこみ)をしてください。申し込み(もうしこみ)は8月(がつ)6日(にち)火曜日(かようび)昼(ひる)の12:00までです。
場所(ばしょ): あいち国際プラザ(あいちこくさいぷらざ) 名古屋市中区三の丸二丁目6-1
日時(にちじ): 8月(がつ)6日(にち)火曜日(かようび) 13時(じ)~15時(じ)
料金(りょうきん):200円(えん) 当日(とうじつ)払って(はらって)ください。
定員(ていいん): 20人(にん)
必ず(かならず)ここ https://akasatanaaloe.peatix.com/ から申し込み(もうしこみ)をしてください。申し込み(もうしこみ)は8月(がつ)6日(にち)火曜日(かようび)昼(ひる)の12:00までです。